Jorge Macedo, the Frederick L.Olmsted Early Career Assistant Professor in CEE, has received the 2023 Young Researcher Award from the International Society of Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering's (ISSMGE) Technical Committee on Geotechnical Earthquake Engineering. This award recognizes early-career scientists and engineers (not exceeding the age of 40) who have exceptional promise for excellence in research and have made significant contributions in the field of Geotechnical Earthquake Engineering.
Macedo will receive the award and present his research at the Eighth International Conference on Earthquake Geotechnical Engineering, to be held in Osaka, Japan, in May 2024.
Dr. Macedo has expertise in the areas of geotechnical earthquake engineering, performance-based/data-driven hazard and risk assessment, and mining geotechnics.
His research combines performance-based data-driven engineering and data science with advanced numerical modeling and novel experimental techniques to support the implementation of risk and hazard assessment in geo-hazards engineering.