CEE’s Engineering Communication Program was created in 1998 through a generous donation from the Mundy family. The goal of the program was to create a new model of engineering education, one that would teach civil engineering students necessary communication skills within the context of the discipline. Dr. Lisa Rosenstein developed the School’s program and continues to direct the program today.
The Engineering Communications Program is an in-house model, meaning that communications material is incorporated into the curricula of engineering courses, rather than being offered as stand-alone classes. This allows a wide range of communications skills like report writing, data display, and explaining research to nontechnical audiences to be taught within the context of the discipline. Dr. Rosenstein serves as a co-instructor or guest lecturer in several courses at both the undergraduate and graduate levels.

Undergraduate Program
On the undergraduate level, Dr. Rosenstein integrates instruction on written, visual and oral communication directly into engineering courses. She does this by co-teaching the core CEE engineering courses, frequently lecturing in elective engineering courses, and providing teaching materials for her colleagues. Additionally, she guides undergraduate students and student teams through written reports and oral presentations, and helps students with resumes and cover letters.
Graduate Program
At the graduate level, Dr. Rosenstein teaches a stand-alone course in engineering communication (CEE 6754) that addresses how to write clearly and directly across a wide range of technical documents, create effective visual displays of quantitative data, and create and deliver professional-quality oral presentations. She also helps graduate students prepare theses, journal articles, conference presentations, and fellowship applications.
For more information contact:
Lisa Rosenstein
Office: SEB 325