Ambarish Vaidyanathan

Adjunct Assistant Professor
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Dr. Ambarish Vaidyanathan is a health scientist with the National Center for Environmental Health, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).His training and work experience cover a wide-range of substantive areas, including environmental engineering, data science, exposure assessment, statistical modeling and simulation, environmental and population health, and geographic information systems (GIS). Dr. Vaidyanathan has several years of experience planning, coordinating, and implementing strategies to facilitate the conduct of environmental health surveillance and translational research projects. Specifically, he has been able to establish mutually-beneficial collaborations with various academic institutions, and federal agencies such as EPA, NASA, NOAA, and USDA on efforts to identify and characterize populations vulnerable to adverse health impacts from various environmental stressors. This activity is being performed by Dr. Vaidyanathan in his private capacity. No official support or endorsement by CDC is intended or should be inferred.


Fine-scale Exposure Assessment, Health effects of Air Pollution, Severe Weather and other Environmental Emergencies, Climate Change and its Impact on Health, Geographic Information Systems and Remote Sensing, Statistical Modeling and Simulation