Laurence J. Jacobs is Senior Vice Provost for Education and Learning in the College of Engineering at the Georgia Institute of Technology, Professor of Civil and Environmental Engineering, and Professor of Mechanical Engineering. Dr. Jacobs received his PhD in Engineering Mechanics from Columbia University and joined the faculty of Georgia Tech in 1988. Prior to receiving his PhD, he worked for two years in the aerospace industry and for one year as a structural engineer. Professor Jacobs’ research focuses on the development of quantitative methodologies for the nondestructive evaluation and life prediction of structural materials. This includes the application of nonlinear ultrasound for the characterization of fatigue, creep, stress-corrosion, thermal embrittlement and radiation damage in metals. His work in cement-based materials includes the application of linear and nonlinear ultrasonic techniques to quantify microstructure and progressive micro-cracking in concrete. Dr. Jacobs’ publications have been cited more than 4900 times with an h-index of 39 (Google Scholar), 31 (Scopus) or 28 (Web of Science) and he is a Fellow of the ASME. Professor Jacobs’ research has been funded by DOE, NSF, ONR, AFOSR, DARPA, NASA, US DOT, Georgia DOT, Exxon-Mobil, EPRI, Sandia National Lab and GE. He has been the PI or co-PI on over $8M worth of contracts since 1990. Dr. Jacobs has graduated 16 Ph.D. students (5 women and 2 African Americans) and 65 M.S. thesis students.
Quantitative nondestructive evaluation of civil engineering materials, Wave propagation in solids, emphasizing guided waves, nonlinear methods and heterogeneous materials, Signal processing techniques applied to nondestructive evaluation, Development of acoustic sensors for condition monitoring of structural components
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