
Mohammad Mohaghar
Research Engineer II
Neda Mohammadi
Senior Research Engineer
Patricia L. Mokhtarian
Clifford and William Greene, Jr. Professor
Regents Professor
Rafi L. Muhanna
Associate Professor
James A. Mulholland
Professor Emeritus
Nga Lee "Sally" Ng
Courtesy Appointment
M. Talat Odman
Regents' Researcher
Glaucio H. Paulino
Adjunct Professor
Spyros G. Pavlostathis
Professor Emeritus
Srinivas Peeta
Frederick R. Dickerson Chair & Professor
Sofía Pérez-Guzmán
Assistant Professor
Ameet Pinto
Associate Professor
Carlton S. Wilder Early-Career Professor
Jerome Pondexter II
Academic Program Coordinator I
Chris Radcliff
Academic & Research IT Support Engineer Senior
Danielle Lesperance Ramirez
Graduate Programs Manager
Denise Rhodes
Financial Administrator III
Philip J. Roberts
Professor Emeritus
Michael O. Rodgers
Emeritus Regents Researcher
Lisa G. Rosenstein
Principal Academic Professional
Armistead G. Russell
Howard T. Tellepsen Chair, Regents Professor & Group Coordinator
J. Carlos Santamarina
G. Wayne Clough Chair and Professor
F. Michael Saunders
Professor Emeritus
Ryan J. Sherman
Assistant Professor
LaShone Simmons
Faculty Support Coordinator
Robert Simon
Academic Professional
Director of Collaborative Innovation
Danny Smyl
Assistant Professor
Shane Snyder
José Domingo Pérez Foundation Chair and Professor
Frank Southworth
Adjunct Principal Research Scientist
Mehmet Evren Soylu
Research Engineer II
Jim C. Spain
Professor Emeritus
Jeremy Stephens
Lab & Facilities Coordinator
Lauren Stewart
Associate Professor
Associate Chair for Graduate Programs and Research Innovation
Director, Structural Engineering and Materials Laboratory
Williams Family Early-Career Professor
Terry W. Sturm
Professor Emeritus
Yuanzhi Tang
Associate Professor
Courtesy Appointment
John E. Taylor
Frederick Law Olmsted Professor
Associate Chair for Faculty Development and Research Innovation
John Temple
Academic & Research IT Support Engineer Senior
Iris Tien
Associate Professor
Williams Family Early-Career Professor